vendredi 5 décembre 2014

hyperlink for citations using harvard style

I am following a prescribed template for authoring my thesis, and it has \usepackage{harvard}. I would like hyperlinks to my citations, for instance, \cite{ref} should point to the particular reference in my reference list. I am using \usepackage{hyperref}, but the links are not created. Am I missing something? Please suggest.

TIA Vinod

Labelling Multi-"node" Path

I would like to ask for a path drawn with the following command

\draw [->] (4) to [out=225,in=0] (11) to [out=180,in=-90] (12) to [out=90] (2);

How can I add a sloped label to the path. Furthermore, if I would like the label appear on the section between (12) and (2), what should I do?

Thanks!enter image description here


My apologies. The code and generated output is as below.

\begin{tikzpicture}[->,>=stealth',node distance=5cm,font=\small\setstretch{1.0}]

\node [state] (1) [] {A};
\node [state] (2) [below=15cm of 1] {B};
\node [state] (3) [left of=2] {C};
\node [state] (4) [above of=3] {D};
\node [] (5) [below=1cm of 3] {};
\node [] (6) [left of=4] {};

\draw [->,smooth] (2) to [out=225,in=0] (5) to [out=180,in=-90] (6) to [out=90] (1);


enter image description here

Copy/paste math formulas in pdf to Word?

I am trying to copy, from a pdf file, some math formulas that were written in latex. I want to paste them onto Word. Is there a way I can do this directly and get the formula exactly without getting the format messed up? I am doing this for my Masters thesis. I do not want to learn Latex

How to use \guilsinglleft and \guilsinglright in csquotes

I was reading Jan Tschichold's The Form of the Book and he suggest to use

[\guilsinglleft] and [\guilsinglright]

instead of « » for the outer quotation mark. So, I wonder how to do it, provided that Biblatex produces the article entry (and other entries as well) with «guillemots».

The output should look something like this:

‹Here is a quote «and a quote within». Done!›

The code should be

\enquote{Here is a quote \enquote{and a quote within}. Done!}

Textbox Nodes Won't Appear In Diagram

I am trying to create a simple venn diagram with the labels a,b,c with a U in the right hand corner of the box like this picture: enter image description here

I have created the venn diagram the way I wanted to, but I can't create node labels that appear like in the image. Here is what I've made and the source code that I've been using. I've been playing around with different colors and I still can't see it. enter image description here

\documentclass[12pt, tikz, border=5]{article} \usepackage{tikz} \begin{document} \tikzstyle{textbox}=[draw=black, fill=black, thick, rectangle] \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=4, blend group=screen] \fill[lightgray] ( 270:.7) circle (1) node [textbox] {\begin{minipage}{0.15\textwidth} $\boldmath{c}$\end{minipage}}; \fill[gray] (180:.5) circle (1); \fill[darkgray] (0:.5) circle (1); \draw[ultra thick, fill=black!100!] ([shift={(-0.1,-0.1)}]current bounding box.south west) rectangle ([shift={(0.1,0.1)}]current bounding box.north east) ; \end{tikzpicture} \end{document}

Centering a table in a figure environment

I have the following code which I am trying to use to show the image of the lo shu magic square being translated into its numeric magic square equivalent:

4 & 9 & 2\\
3 & 5 & 7\\
8 & 1 & 6\\
\caption{The lo-shu magic square}

However, when I typeset this, the arrow is at the bottom along with the table. I'd like for the arrow and table to be aligned in the center of the figure so the transformation looks natural. Any ideas?:

Creating title page in latex

I need to create a title page of the given format

**(Title of the Thesis)**


Submited in partial fulfilment of the requirements of

BITS C421T/42T Thesis



ID No. ( )

Under the supervision of

(Name and Designation of Supervisor)

Instiute emblem



I am new to latex, and am miserably failing to do so. I tried the center the lines by using the command \center, but even that is not working. How should I go about creating said titlepage? Also, how do I embed an image in the title page?